Bullet-proof digital signatures
Our easy-to-use signature requires only three steps, and is literally the world's safest.
Send a document
Upload your documents to Vaultie, and designate who will be signing and where. Everything will be immediately encrypted, and your signatories will be notified by email about their next steps.
Everyone gets verified, and signs
We run a KYC check on every signer, that compares their government-issued ID to a live selfie. They’ll need to pass the “selfie test” before they can sign. That means you know exactly who signed what and when they signed.
Everything is verifiable
The references to the document are stored & encrypted on a decentralized ledger. With this, you can verify original copy status, who signed, when they signed, and prove that a document has never been altered. It’s the ultimate in protection and security.
Continuous KYC
We monitor the signer at every stage of the transaction to prove their physical presence. This leaves the practitioner with nearly zero doubt as to who signed a document.
Get certified original copies
Secure your most sensitive contracts through Vaultie with the ultimate in privacy, security, and authentication. More than 1 billion documents are signed in pen each year, where only one original copy exists. Vaultie links any copy directly to the original, so your documents still pack the same legal punch.