OAuthorization & Access Management
Passwordless access, protect your assets
Eliminate weak points with verifiable credentials and biometrics based logins. Say goodbye to passwords, and hello to our easy-to-use interface, all while protecting yourself from from attacks.
Bullet-proof user permission management
A robust access management tool such as Vaultie can help you securely manage user permissions and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data.
Streamline your document access management and compliance efforts with Vaultie's user-friendly solution

Easily control your access lists
Issuers can easily control who does, and does not have access simply by adding or removing the email addresses of users you trust, or wish to remove.

Find out more about verifiable credentials
Quickly and easily issue, verify, and store your documents, giving you complete peace of mind that your information is secure.

Make compliance easy
Once they’ve passed, we’ll provide a report with all of the data you need to keep for any compliance audits down the line. It’s all stored in your encrypted account so even we can’t see it.